What does being healthy really mean and what things actually help make us happy?  This month we will be discussing the external and obvious ways to make our bodies healthy such as nutrition, germs and physical activity, but we will also be discussing the more difficult issues, otherwise known as Emotional Intelligence.  Creating meaningful relationships, discussing feelings and how to respond to feelings.  Kids need to build resiliency and make a habit out of being happy!

Just a few of the things we will be working on this month…

-Letters “a, b, c”

-clean vs. dirty…germs!

-Veggies we like!

-Citizenship Day!

-Yoga and Stretching

-Friendship Bags

-Calming Bottles

-Music and Moods

-Our body, what do the different organs do?

-Our many colored days…emotions

Dates to Remember

-Sept. 2nd – External Pressures of Parenting, noon

-Sept. 10 – Class Pictures, ALL KIDS 9:30am

-Sept. 7 – Labor Day Holiday

-AM Field Trip TBA

-Sept. 14th Afternoon Field Trip – Dr. Borin Dental Office