Love is in the Mail!
Why do we teach about Community Helpers you might ask… Community helpers is a way to broaden children’s horizons and to help them learn about their world. Children need to learn that there are people in their environment that can help and protect them in a time of need; such as a policeman, firefighter, doctors, nurses. There are also helpers in our community who help us conduct daily business such as librarians, electricians, mechanics, hair dressers, librarians, teachers etc.
The community helpers theme also creates a spark of interest in the child’s imagination and creates an avenue to think about what they might like to do in each job and what might even be scary to them.
★ Love
★ Valentines, Reading Names
★ Letters; m,n,o…
★ Careers
★ Community Vocabulary
* Celery Stalk Painting
* Potato Hearts
* Police Badge
* The Chef
* Heart patterning
* Heart shapes
* TP Roll Hearts
* Heart Candy Sorting
* Valentine Envelopes
* Mail Truck Shape
The kids learn about our specific community outside of school and home and develop a greater understanding of key components in their world.
Ms. Shanna
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